Event Detail

Completed Scheduled Maintenance
ID: 190449Start: End: Status: Completed

As part of an ongoing project to enhance Campus Wi-Fi performance and stability, bIT Network will be moving Wi-Fi services in the northern portion of Campus to new, upgraded infrastructure.

This work is being performed on an accelerated schedule to alleviate potential issues experienced since the start of the fall semester.

This work will require multiple reboots of the Wi-Fi access points at each site involved, resulting in disruptions of all Wi-Fi services as this occurs.

In addition this change will result in new IP address ranges being deployed for Wi-Fi clients on all services (eduroam, Berkeley-IoT and Berkeley-Visitor). Administrators of firewall services should review their rules if necessary and make appropriate changes.

The address ranges utilized for all campus services are described at https://berkeley.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0011960

160 Spear Street 1750 Arch 1798 Scenic (Mudd Hall) 1893 LeRoy 1936 University 1995 University 2000 Carleton 2105 Bancroft 2108 Allston 2121 Allston 2150 Shattuck 2151 Berkeley Way 2451 Ridge 2465 LeConte 2481 Hearst 2607 Hearst 2850 Telegraph 2921 Adeline BAMPFA Banway Barker Berkeley Way West Blum Botanical Garden BRFS Cory Davis Etcheverry Evans Giannini Genetic Plant Biology Teaching (GPBT) Haviland Hearst Mining Hesse Hilgard Jacobs Koshland Lawrence Hall of Science Li Ka Shing McCone McLaughlin Morgan Mulford Mulford CEV NAF North Gate O'brien Oxford Tract 3200/3300 Regatta Richmond Field Station Soda Stanley Starr East Asian Library Sutardja Dai University House Warren Hall Wellman

CMR: CHG0037134

    Services Impacted
    • WiFi Services
    Impact Analysis

    30 - 60 minutes of disruption to Wi-Fi service in each location listed below between 11:00pm Monday, October 2nd and 7:00am Tuesday, October 3rd. Because of the complexity of the work being done and the number of sites involved, Network Services are unable to provide an exact time when each location will be impacted. It is expected that all work will be complete well before 7:00am but we are allowing additional time for testing and remediation of any issues that may arise.

    • Completed

      Maintenance completed.

    • Started

      Maintenance starting.